Thursday, January 06, 2005

Remember Sherlock Holmes? Do you like to solve the Mystery of the detective tales?


It's so thrilling and chill you if you love this character, sure indeed! Holmes ended up hating his own creation, but we have loved and cherished it, idealizing each one of Sherlock's traits and even molding some of ours to look like his. Now go forth and enjoy all that Sherlock Holmes has to offer on the fall of his birthday – 6th January. Peek-a-boo into Kidsfreesouls to hook up to stay connected at Brainy Stuff (You be the Detective)and solve the Detective mystery cases too! Critic Christopher Morley said of Holmes, "Perhaps no fiction character ever created has become so charmingly real to his readers." Yeah, Sherlock Holmes was created by the British Author Arthur Conan Doyle! It is said, Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson lived at 221b Baker Street between 1881-1904, according to the stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The house was last used as a lodging house in 1936 and the famous 1st floor study overlooking Baker Street is still faithfully maintained as it was kept in Victorian Times. You can even send a Sherlock Holmes E-card to your friends!

-Blossomsmile ilaxi

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