Sunday, July 10, 2005

Did you know 'A voice bring love back into your life and a voice can make your work loads lighter when you are on heights of your job and the work stress is higher.' 

Well, voice has a special depth of thoughts and can influence your whole life as well as others. When you say ‘Hello’ the sound is like tinkling bell when you say it with softness and deep feeling but if you are harsh with your words, this means you are not towards the right track to road ahead of success. Words spoken with intelligence, words spoken with soft feelings, words spoken with understanding has an impact on the other with the voice power. If you observe people talking, you can find the characteristics of the person which can master you with ‘mind reading’. As we talk to people in person and hear their voice or talk on phone, it's sometimes, the Power of Voice that leaves an impression and a deep influence that work wonders and life seem to be blooming around with happiness. Isn't this so true?

Read 'Power of Voice', an article I wrote years ago in Freesouls, Op-ed page in print media of Sambhaav.

-Blossomsmile ilaxi
Editor online,

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